Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGF´s), Biotinylated IGF´s and Analogs, Biotinylated Insulin

Human Insulin, biotinylated (Biotin-Insulin)

Recombinant human Insulin, Biotin labeled

Product Specifications Human Insulin Biotin-labeled


Description: Recombinant human Insulin produced in yeast has been biotinylated using our biotinylation technology that was developped for IGF`s and analogs. 

Formulation: Lyophilised from a solution of  0.5 ml TBS, pH 7.4, containing 100 µg of the biotinylated product . A  preservative and a stabilising protein of non-mammalian origin are added to ensure stability of the reconstituted product.

Storage: Store refrigerated upon arrival. The product is stable at 4 °C for
at least one year.  Reconstitute with 0.5 ml water and store aliquots frozen at - 20 °C. Avoid repeated freeze-thawing cycles.

Applications of Biotinylated Insulin

The use of I125 and Biotin-labeld nsulin has been described for techniques as e.g. ELISA (1), FACS (2,3) and MACS (4), ligand blotting,and cross-linking studies (5,6), receptor binding (7) and isolation (8), antigen processing experiments (8,9), clearance studies (10). It may also be used for other applications as described in Application Note IGF004: Biotinylated (Biotin labeled) IGF-I, IGF-II and analogs.


1.) Aranda P. et al: ) Insulin in Bovine Colostrum and Milk: Evolution Throughout Lactation and Binding to Caseins. 1991 J Dairy Sci 74:432W325.

Link to article:


2.) McInerney, M.F. et al.:Anti-Insulin Receptor Autoantibodies Are Not Required

for Type 2 Diabetes Pathogenesis in NZL/Lt Mice, a New Zealand Obese (NZO)-Derived Mouse Strain. Experimental Diab. Res., 5:177–185, 2004.

Link to article:


3.) Ziegler O. et al.: Insulin Binding to Human Cultured Lymphocytes

Measured by Flow Cytometry Using Three Ligands. Cytometry 16:339-345 (1994).

Link to article:


4.) Emily J. Woodward and James W. Thomas: Multiple Germline Light Chains Generate Anti-Insulin B Cells in Nonobese Diabetic Mice Journal of Immunology, 2005, 175: 1073-1079.

Link to article:


5.) Yamanaka  Y. et al.: Inhibition of Insulin Receptor Activation by Insulin-like Growth

Factor Binding Proteins. THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 272, No. 49, Issue of December 5, pp. 30729–30734, 1997.

Link to article:


6.)Vorwerk et al.: Insulin and IGF Binding by IGFBP-3 Fragments Derived From Proteolysis, Baculovirus Expression and Normal Human Urine. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 83, No. 4 1392-1395.  Link to article:

Link to article:


7.) Dennis T. Pang and Jules Shafer: Stoichiometry for the Binding of Insulin to Insulin Receptor in Adipocyte Membranes. THEJ OURNALOF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 258, No. 4, Issue of February 25, pp 2514-2518. 1983.

Link to article:


8.) Finn F.M. et al.: Avidin-biotin affinity chromatography: Application to the isolation

of human placental insulin receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 81, pp. 7328-7332, December 1984.

Link to article:


9.) Falo L.D. et al.: Characterization of antigen association with accessory cells:

Specific removal of processed antigens from the cell surface by phospholipases

(antigen processing/antigen presentatlon/T-cell activation/plasma membrane). Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 84, pp. 522-526, January 1987.

Link to article:


10) Jimenez-Chillaron J.C. et al.: ß-Cell Secretory Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Low Birth Weight–Associated Diabetes. A Murine Model. DIABETES, VOL. 54, MARCH 2005, 702-711.

Link to article:

Rev. 2013-02



 Datasheet for Human Insulin, biotinylated (Biotin-Insulin)

Category: Insulin-like Growth Factors (IGF´s), Biotinylated IGF´s and Analogs
Itemnumber: BioINS100
Price: Size: 
Price  EUR 200.00